Fake Burgundy. Rebottled Chateauneuf-du-Pape. Gray market Rousseau Chambertin. Counterfeits are plaguing the industry. The statistics are staggering. An estimated 20% of wines sold globally are fake.

But what can you do about it? If you’re going to VinExpo, join us for a complimentary, informative champagne breakfast with experts from Safeproof and gain insight into the challenges and current solutions being implemented.

Why Attend? 

  • Examine the challenges you're facing around counterfeiting, rebottling and product diversion.
  • Educate yourself on what's truly needed to mitigate the ever-growing industry risks, protect your consumers, and protect your brand.
  • Learn about an easy-to-implement solution that uses your existing label to combat these issues.
Seating is limited. Request your spot today!

Date | March 5, 2019
Time | 9:00am-11:00am
Place | Green Fig, 570 Tenth Avenue, New York, NY 10036